1) "And he had his tender lyrical lines, like the ones about bears eatting berries, showing his love of animals...(14)"
There are two guys who are sitting around reading poetry and Japhy reads about animals and how they act and he reads it with kindness and emotion to everyone else, as if he was the one that wrote about caring for the animals. Reading that part of the poem it made him realize that there is more to life and there are other things around humans than humans. There are other animals in the world and not everything revavals around humans. People just have to look at different creatures and understand that they do what they do to survive and not look at it as in a place to argue about. Its just the way it is and Japhy loves the way the animals act.
2) "And he was a man of solitude who could take off by himself and live purely and true to himself. (22)"
Ray and Japhy are talking about a man, Han Shan, who Japhy admires but, they both tell eachother that they are like him. Both of them could be independant and live the way that want without having a lot of personal things. They also can be true to himself which means that he is true to the world. They are people who are calm and mellow about anything and doing anything that can. They are out in the world on their own and travelling to places to go see around and visit thats there.
This Blog is for my American Literature class. Have fun reading this page.