This Blog is for my American Literature class. Have fun reading this page.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Jack Kerouac – The Dharma Bums

pg 200-223

1) “Japhy was all talk this morning. He was like a little kid again now that he was out on the trail. (204)”

In order for Japhy to become himself he has to be in a place where he is comfortable which is on the trail. When he isn’t in a place that he is not used to and he gets quite and starts to make poems inside his head to make himself feel better. The trail, for Japhy is like home to him because it is a place where he can do anything he wants and talk about anything he wants.

2) “Suddenly I felt so free I began to walk on the wrong side of the road and sticking out my thumb from that side, hiking like Chinese Saint to Nowhere for no reason, going to my mountain to rejoice. (218)”

Ray felt free of everything that was wanted to walk on the other side of the road. He didn’t care what people’s thoughts were just as long he was happy. When he stuck his thumb out he had got more offers for a ride because he wasn’t on the right side of the road, it was different. He does his own thing and does not care what other people think of him.