Yoga Questions that I am asking my interviewers Liz and Nancy Scholsser:
• When did you first start practicing yoga as student?
• Why did you start?
• How has yoga personally helped you?
• When did you decide to teach yoga and what factors influenced your decision to teach as opposed to being a student?
• What type of yoga are you practicing that is different from when you first began
o Why have you modified your practice?
• What does yoga offer besides physical benefits?
• How does yoga help you spiritually?
• What purpose do you serve?
o Why do you continue to practice yoga?
• What kind do you practice?
• Do you include meditation?
o Why?
• Why did you choose this type of yoga to practice?
• How is yoga counter cultural?
• How does it help to fill the void or emptiness caused by suburban living?
• What changes have you noticed among your clients since they started practicing yoga?
• Today Yoga is more popular, do you think it has taken on a more commercial sort of “fitness industry” approach or do you feel that the roots of the practice have been maintained. What do you notice about this shift over the years?
This Blog is for my American Literature class. Have fun reading this page.