pg. 5-29
1) “yo’ bad boy lover pill-popin’ games
an’ most of all your fast talkin’ total whack
communicating genius girl self out the door!” (9)
This quote caught me. I think is means that the guy is taking pills and the girl is also taking pills. The pills make them unaware of what they are doing and they do not use their brains as much. They do not know what is coming up next but they don’t care because they are too high to think about it. They make nonsense and they become crazy.
2) “I worry about people who say, “Don’t worry, Baby.” (29)
I feel like I can relate to this quote because from all the small things to the bigger things, I worry about. I also worry about things that may never happen or already has happened. People tell me, don’t worry about it, but I feel like I need to worry about it because other people are not worrying about it. It makes me freak out. Life just makes me freak-out because of so little time and so much to do. Reading this whole part from Don’t worry baby, made me feel like this person really knows how I feel.
This Blog is for my American Literature class. Have fun reading this page.