pg. 106-130
1) “How to make velas take your wishes to the universe” (110)
This to me means that he wants his wishes to last forever and there will never be an end to wishes, since the universe is huge and no end. Not only him, that wants to know but other people in the Chicana and Chicano Intervention so they too can live happily. The amount of wishes that you have at your birthday will last forever and it will go on forever. Knowing how to do that, would be nice because it would keep everyone alive more.
2) “This was my beginning” (117)
His mom had died and they are her funeral and talking about her and he feels grief and this is his beginning of innocence. His life is just on step closer to be mature. He is also the beginning of his life of people close to him die and he has to accepts that too. People die and others are born, life is a cycle. He will remember his mom forever although he had lost her physically, but mentally he has her inside of her.
This Blog is for my American Literature class. Have fun reading this page.