pg. 30-55
1) “Consider getting stoned on potato pancakes” (47)
This quote to me, means like it’s physically impossible to get stoned on potato pancakes just like other “consider…” remarks on this entry. They are all impossible and it doesn’t make sense to people like me although it may make sense to other people. When I found out this author was under the influence of frijol juice, epazote and raw eggs combination it made more sense how this non sense kind of made sense. When he says consider getting stoned on potato pancakes, it would be different interesting to see how that would turn out.
2) “Graceland drifts near Luzon…Los Angles rubbing against Cabo San Lucas” (48)
This is from “The Event and Found Objects after the Blast” he realizes the earth is moving and the lands are all going to be moved together in some sort of way in the future and the lands are going to combined. So this also could mean that the culture of each country would merge into that other countries or cities. He makes a couple of remarks and to me it seems like he thinks that is was is going to happen sometime in the future. He also is saying this because he is stoned.
This Blog is for my American Literature class. Have fun reading this page.